The Brooklyn Heights Library is celebrating Indigenous Peoples Day with a five day film festival. Five films over five days will screen for free. The films will screen in the Multi-Purpose Room on the lower level. There's a photo of the room at the bottom of this article.
BPL is committed to raising the awareness and recognition of indigenous peoples around the world, in particular The Lenape Nation from Lenapehocking, the 'Homeland of the Lenape'. The festival will be showcasing five indigenous films from USA, Canada, Mexico, Australia, and New Zealand. Be advised that most of the films are Rated R. The film on Saturday is unrated and suitable for young adult viewers.
The following films are programmed for screenings:
USA - WILD INDIAN - Tuesday, October 11 at 2p.m. Rated R
Canada - THE GRIZZLIES - Wednesday, October 12th at 3:30p.m. Rated R
Mexico - ROMA - Thursday, October 13th at 5:30p.m. Rated R
Australia - THE CHANT OF JIMMY BLACKSMITH - Friday, October 14th at 11 a.m. Rated R
New Zealand - FIND YOUR VOICE - Saturday, October 15th at 1p.m. Unrated
The Brooklyn Heights Library is located at 286 Cadman Plaza West in Brooklyn 11202. If you haven't been there, this library was just renovated and opened in June. It's a beautiful space and this is great opportunity to check it out.

Multi Purpose Room at Brooklyn Heights Library