A camera crew working on location on the Lower East Side.
Back To One: Production Guidelines
By Kimberly Burke
The Alliance of Motion Picture and Television Producers has proposed health and safety guidelines for Motion Picture, Television and Streaming productions during the COVID-19 Pandemic and drafted a white paper. The Industry-Wide Labor Management Safety Committee Task Force submitted guidelines base on discussions with health experts, guidelines from the U.S. Center for Disease Control (CDC), Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) and motion picture television production participants familiar with working conditions.
A list of the task force participants is available in the appendix of the publication published earlier by DEADLINE.
Recommended guidelines you can expect to see include personal protective gear in use, hand washing, transportation cleaning daily, less paper use (ex: call sheet on tablet), daily cleaning of hand held radios, and not sharing salt and pepper shakers at craft services.
The well being of employees is prioritized with temperature checks, offering mental health resources to get people through the anxiety of resuming production, and paid leave for those who are sick to stay away from co-workers and general public in quarantine and still be supported.
Covid Compliance Officer is a new title you may hear on set. This will be a specialized-training individual responsible for safety compliance. Duties of the officer may include infection prevention practices, monitoring social distancing, disinfecting protocols, monitoring employee symptoms, and PPE education.
The guideline also has recommendations for working on set, handling costumes, casting, writers rooms, minors, over 65, animal performers and travel considerations.
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